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G — Property, class org.flixel.system.input.Keyboard
_game — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG
Internal tracker for game object.
getActualVolume() — method, class org.flixel.FlxSound
Returns the currently selected "real" volume of the sound (takes fades and proximity into account).
getAngle(Point1:org.flixel:FlxPoint, Point2:org.flixel:FlxPoint) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Calculates the angle between two points.
getBounds(Bounds:org.flixel:FlxRect) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Get the world coordinates and size of the entire tilemap as a FlxRect.
getClass(Name:String) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Look up a Class object by its string name.
getClassName(Obj:Object, Simple:Boolean) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Get the String name of any Object.
getContainerSprite() — method, class org.flixel.FlxCamera
Fetches a reference to the Flash Sprite object that contains the camera display in the Flash display list.
getData(Simple:Boolean) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Fetches the tilemap data array.
getDistance(Point1:org.flixel:FlxPoint, Point2:org.flixel:FlxPoint) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Calculate the distance between two points.
getFirstAlive() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup
Call this function to retrieve the first object with dead == false in the group.
getFirstAvailable(ObjectClass:Class) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup
Call this function to retrieve the first object with exists == false in the group.
getFirstDead() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup
Call this function to retrieve the first object with dead == true in the group.
getFirstExtant() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup
Call this function to retrieve the first object with exists == true in the group.
getFirstNull() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup
Call this function to retrieve the first index set to 'null'.
getHSB(Color:uint, Results:Array) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Loads an array with the HSB values of a Flash uint color.
getKeyCode(KeyName:String) — method, class org.flixel.system.input.Input
Look up the key code for any given string name of the key or button.
getLibraryName() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG
getMidpoint(Point:org.flixel:FlxPoint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Retrieve the midpoint of this object in world coordinates.
getPlugin(ClassType:Class) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG
Retrieves a plugin based on its class name from the global plugin array.
getRandom(Objects:Array, StartIndex:uint, Length:uint) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG
Fetch a random entry from the given array.
getRandom(StartIndex:uint, Length:uint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup
Returns a member at random from the group.
getRandom(Objects:Array, StartIndex:uint, Length:uint) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Fetch a random entry from the given array.
getRGBA(Color:uint, Results:Array) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Loads an array with the RGBA values of a Flash uint color.
getScale() — method, class org.flixel.FlxCamera
The scale of the camera object, irrespective of zoom.
getScreenPosition(Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera, Point:org.flixel:FlxPoint) — method, class org.flixel.system.input.Mouse
Fetch the screen position of the mouse on any given camera.
getScreenXY(Point:org.flixel:FlxPoint, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Call this function to figure out the on-screen position of the object.
getTicks() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Just grabs the current "ticks" or time in milliseconds that has passed since Flash Player started up.
getTile(X:uint, Y:uint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Check the value of a particular tile.
getTileByIndex(Index:uint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Get the value of a tile in the tilemap by index.
getTileCoords(Index:uint, Midpoint:Boolean) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Returns a new Flash Array full of every coordinate of the requested tile type.
getTileInstances(Index:uint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Returns a new Flash Array full of every map index of the requested tile type.
getWorldPosition(Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera, Point:org.flixel:FlxPoint) — method, class org.flixel.system.input.Mouse
Fetch the world position of the mouse on any given camera.
_globalScreenPosition — Property, class org.flixel.system.input.Mouse
globalSeed — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG
The global random number generator seed (for deterministic behavior in recordings and saves).
gotID3(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSound
Internal event handler for ID3 info (i.e.
gravity — Property, class org.flixel.FlxEmitter
Sets the acceleration.y member of each particle to this value on launch.
GREEN — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG
Green is used to indicate solid but immovable objects.
_gutter — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxDebugger
Internal, used to space out windows from the edges.
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