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W — Property, class org.flixel.system.input.Keyboard |
| |
walkPath(Data:Array, Start:uint, Points:Array) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap |
Pathfinding helper function, recursively walks the grid and finds a shortest path back to the start. |
WALL — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
Special-case constant meaning only the left and right sides, used mainly by allowCollisions and touching. |
wasTouching — Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
Bit field of flags (use with UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, etc) indicating surface contacts from the previous game loop step. |
watch(AnyObject:Object, VariableName:String, DisplayName:String) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Add a variable to the watch list in the debugger. |
watch — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxDebugger |
Container for the watch window widget. |
Watch — class, package org.flixel.system.debug |
A Visual Studio-style "watch" window, for use in the debugger overlay. |
Watch(Title:String, Width:Number, Height:Number, Resizable:Boolean, Bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, BGColor:uint, TopColor:uint) — Constructor, class org.flixel.system.debug.Watch |
Creates a new window object. |
WatchEntry — class, package org.flixel.system.debug |
Helper class for the debugger overlay's Watch window. |
WatchEntry(Y:Number, NameWidth:Number, ValueWidth:Number, Obj:Object, Field:String, Custom:String) — Constructor, class org.flixel.system.debug.WatchEntry |
Creates a new watch entry in the watch window. |
_watching — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.Watch |
| |
wheel — Property, class org.flixel.system.input.Mouse |
Current "delta" value of mouse wheel. |
wheel — Property, class org.flixel.system.replay.MouseRecord |
The state of the mouse wheel. |
WHITE — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
White... |
_whiteText — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.WatchEntry |
| |
width — Property, class org.flixel.FlxCamera |
How wide the camera display is, in game pixels. |
width — Property, class org.flixel.FlxEmitter |
The width of the emitter. |
width — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
The width of the screen in game pixels. |
width — Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
The width of this object. |
width — Property, class org.flixel.FlxRect |
| |
_width — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxPreloader |
Useful for storing "real" stage width if you're scaling your preloader graphics. |
width — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxTilemapBuffer |
The width of the buffer (usually just a few tiles wider than the camera). |
_width — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxWindow |
Width of the window. |
widthInTiles — Property, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap |
Read-only variable, do NOT recommend changing after the map is loaded!
worldBounds — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
The dimensions of the game world, used by the quad tree for collisions and overlap checks. |
worldDivisions — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
How many times the quad tree should divide the world on each axis. |
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