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O — Property, class org.flixel.system.input.Keyboard
object — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxList
Stores a reference to a FlxObject.
_object — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, used to reduce recursive method parameters during object placement and tree formation.
object — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.WatchEntry
The Object being watched.
_objectBottomEdge — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, used to reduce recursive method parameters during object placement and tree formation.
_objectHullHeight — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, helpers for comparing actual object-to-object overlap - see overlapNode().
_objectHullWidth — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, helpers for comparing actual object-to-object overlap - see overlapNode().
_objectHullX — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, helpers for comparing actual object-to-object overlap - see overlapNode().
_objectHullY — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, helpers for comparing actual object-to-object overlap - see overlapNode().
_objectLeftEdge — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, used to reduce recursive method parameters during object placement and tree formation.
_objectMarker — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.Perf
_objectRightEdge — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, used to reduce recursive method parameters during object placement and tree formation.
_objectTopEdge — Static Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
Internal, used to reduce recursive method parameters during object placement and tree formation.
OFF — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
No auto-tiling.
offset — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSprite
If you changed the size of your sprite object after loading or making the graphic, you might need to offset the graphic away from the bound box to center it the way you want.
oldValue — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.WatchEntry
The value of the field before it was edited.
on — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton
Use this to toggle checkbox-style behavior.
on — Property, class org.flixel.FlxEmitter
Determines whether the emitter is currently emitting particles.
onBounds() — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.Vis
Called when the bounding box toggle is pressed.
_onComplete — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSave
Internal tracker for callback function in case save takes too long.
onDone(Result:uint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSave
Event handler for special case storage requests.
onDown — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton
This function is called when the button is pressed down.
ONE — Property, class org.flixel.system.input.Keyboard
onEmit() — method, class org.flixel.FlxParticle
Triggered whenever this object is launched by a FlxEmitter.
onEnterFrame(FlashEvent:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Handles the onEnterFrame call and figures out how many updates and draw calls to do.
onFlushStatus(E:flash.events:NetStatusEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSave
Event handler for special case storage requests.
onFocus(FlashEvent:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onFocusLost(FlashEvent:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onKeyDown(FlashEvent:flash.events:KeyboardEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onKeyUp(FlashEvent:flash.events:KeyboardEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onKeyUp(FlashEvent:flash.events:KeyboardEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.WatchEntry
Check to see if Enter, Tab or Escape were just released.
onMouseDown(FlashEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onMouseDown(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.FlxWindow
Figure out if window is being repositioned (clicked on header) or resized (clicked on handle).
onMouseDown(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
If the mouse is pressed down, check to see if the user started pressing down a specific button.
onMouseDown(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.Vis
If the mouse is pressed down, check to see if the user started pressing down a specific button.
onMouseMove(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.FlxWindow
Mouse movement handler.
onMouseMove(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
If the mouse moves, check to see if any buttons should be highlighted.
onMouseMove(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.Vis
If the mouse moves, check to see if any buttons should be highlighted.
onMouseOut(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.FlxDebugger
Mouse handler that helps with fake "mouse focus" type behavior.
onMouseOver(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.FlxDebugger
Mouse handler that helps with fake "mouse focus" type behavior.
onMouseUp(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxButton
Internal function for handling the actual callback call (for UI thread dependent calls like FlxU.openURL()).
onMouseUp(FlashEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onMouseUp(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.FlxWindow
User let go of header bar or handler (or nothing), so turn off drag and resize behaviors.
onMouseUp(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
If the mouse is released, check to see if it was released over a button that was pressed.
onMouseUp(E:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.Vis
If the mouse is released, check to see if it was released over a button that was pressed.
onMouseUp(FlashEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.WatchEntry
A watch entry was clicked, so flip into edit mode for that entry.
onMouseWheel(FlashEvent:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame
Internal event handler for input and focus.
onOpen() — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the "open file" button is pressed.
onOpenCancel(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called if the open file dialog is canceled.
onOpenComplete(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when a file is opened successfully.
onOpenError(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called if there is a file open error.
onOpenSelect(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when a file is picked from the file dialog.
onOut — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton
This function is called when the mouse leaves the button area.
onOver — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton
This function is called when the mouse goes over the button.
onPause() — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the user presses the Pause button.
onPlay() — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the user presses the Play button.
onRecord(StandardMode:Boolean) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the user presses the white record button.
onRestart(StandardMode:Boolean) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the user presses the Rewind-looking button.
onSaveCancel(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the save file dialog is cancelled.
onSaveComplete(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the file is saved successfully.
onSaveError(E:flash.events:Event) — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called if there is an error while saving the gameplay recording.
onScreen(Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Check and see if this object is currently on screen.
onScreen(Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSprite
Check and see if this object is currently on screen.
onStep() — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the user presses the fast-forward-looking button.
onStop() — method, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
Called when the user presses the stop button.
_onToggle — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton
Used for checkbox-style behavior.
onUp — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton
This function is called when the button is released.
_open — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
openURL(URL:String) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxU
Opens a web page in a new tab or window.
org.flixel — package
org.flixel.plugin — package
org.flixel.system — package
org.flixel.system.debug — package
org.flixel.system.input — package
org.flixel.system.replay — package
origin — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSprite
WARNING: The origin of the sprite will default to its center.
_overBounds — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.Vis
_overHandle — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxWindow
Helper for interaction.
_overHeader — Property, class org.flixel.system.FlxWindow
Helper for interaction.
overlap(ObjectOrGroup1:org.flixel:FlxBasic, ObjectOrGroup2:org.flixel:FlxBasic, NotifyCallback:Function, ProcessCallback:Function) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG
Call this function to see if one FlxObject overlaps another.
OVERLAP_BIAS — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Handy constant used during collision resolution (see separateX() and separateY()).
overlapNode() — method, class org.flixel.system.FlxQuadTree
An internal function for comparing an object against the contents of a node.
overlaps(ObjectOrGroup:org.flixel:FlxBasic, InScreenSpace:Boolean, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Checks to see if some FlxObject overlaps this FlxObject or FlxGroup.
overlaps(Rect:org.flixel:FlxRect) — method, class org.flixel.FlxRect
Checks to see if some FlxRect object overlaps this FlxRect object.
overlaps(ObjectOrGroup:org.flixel:FlxBasic, InScreenSpace:Boolean, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Checks to see if some FlxObject overlaps this FlxObject object in world space.
overlapsAt(X:Number, Y:Number, ObjectOrGroup:org.flixel:FlxBasic, InScreenSpace:Boolean, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Checks to see if this FlxObject were located at the given position, would it overlap the FlxObject or FlxGroup? This is distinct from overlapsPoint(), which just checks that point, rather than taking the object's size into account.
overlapsAt(X:Number, Y:Number, ObjectOrGroup:org.flixel:FlxBasic, InScreenSpace:Boolean, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Checks to see if this FlxObject were located at the given position, would it overlap the FlxObject or FlxGroup? This is distinct from overlapsPoint(), which just checks that point, rather than taking the object's size into account.
overlapsPoint(Point:org.flixel:FlxPoint, InScreenSpace:Boolean, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject
Checks to see if a point in 2D world space overlaps this FlxObject object.
overlapsPoint(Point:org.flixel:FlxPoint, InScreenSpace:Boolean, Camera:org.flixel:FlxCamera) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Checks to see if a point in 2D world space overlaps this FlxObject object.
overlapsWithCallback(Object:org.flixel:FlxObject, Callback:Function, FlipCallbackParams:Boolean, Position:org.flixel:FlxPoint) — method, class org.flixel.FlxTilemap
Checks if the Object overlaps any tiles with any collision flags set, and calls the specified callback function (if there is one).
_overOpen — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
_overPause — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
_overRecord — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
_overRestart — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
_overStep — Property, class org.flixel.system.debug.VCR
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